Our computer life revolves around the browser we use. For most of us, that browser is Google Chrome. So why stick with Chrome when other better options are faster and more secure than the current king? Here are some alternatives and the connection between them all.
Tag: Firefox
Kicking Google to the Curb
Do you ever feel that someone is watching you online? Google is one of those companies. It may be impossible to escape them completely, but here are a few ways to get them off your back.
7 Reasons to Switch to Firefox
Firefox is one of my favorite browsers for so many reasons. Its cross platform support, simple design and security settings maybe it could be your browser replacement.
Adding an Email Account on iOS
You could use your mobile Safari to check your mail through your provider’s website. But which can be hard because sometimes mobile sited can be hard to use. There are many apps that you can use to manage your email accounts on your iOS device that keep you from having to use your browser. Look no further than the Mail app. Connect as many email accounts as you have and need.
Adding an Email Account on macOS
You could use Safari to check your mail through your provider’s website. But that could a lot of hassle because you always have a tab open and it just gets in the way. There are many apps that you can use to manage your email accounts on your Mac that keep you from having to use your browser. Look no further than the Mail app. Connect as many email accounts as you have and need.