What’s New: iPhone 8

iPhone 8 and 8 Plus

The iPhone 8 is made from a “Aerospace-grade aluminum” covered in glass which is then reinforced by a aluminum structure. This new phone come in space gray, silver and gold finishes. Apple says that it is the “Most durable glass ever in a smartphone”…

What’s New: New iOS App Store is Coming with iOS 11

In 2008 with the release of the iPhone 3G and iPhoneOS 2 (iOS 2) the App Store was introduced with 500 apps. As of January 5, 2017 it has grown to hold 2,200,000 that people have 130,000,000,000+ times according to Wikipedia. Since 2008 there has not been an update until now with iOS 11. iOS 11 has completely redesigned the App Store in and out.