Yesterday Apple announced their latest updates to iOS, AirPods, iPadOS, watchOS, & macOS. In addition to updates to home, privacy, and iCloud Subscriptions. Here’s everyhting that’s new and my thoughts.
Tag: iPadOS
The Operating System Hidden in Plain Sight
You know of macOS and Windows, iOS and Android. But have you ever heard of Linux? This computer system, hidden in the background, controls almost every computer in the world. Click to learn more!
Microsoft 365: What is the Best Way to Purchase Office?
If your looking to buy Office you have two options: buy the latest version out right or purchase a subscription that gives you so much more. Let’s find out which is best for you!
Free Microsoft Office Alternatives
Microsoft Office may be the industry standard when you’re at work but does it make sense to pay $70 a year for a copy at home? Take a look at these free alternatives and see if one works for you!