Your Mac holds your most treasured photos and documentsYour Mac holds your most treasured photos and important documents! That’s why it’s critical to create another copy of your data, so if something happens to your Mac, it won’t be the end of the world. Let me show you how to set up your Time Machine.

Chrome Isn’t Your Only Option

Our computer life revolves around the browser we use. For most of us, that browser is Google Chrome. So why stick with Chrome when other better options are faster and more secure than the current king? Here are some alternatives and the connection between them all.

The Operating System Hidden in Plain Sight

You know of macOS and Windows, iOS and Android. But have you ever heard of Linux? This computer system, hidden in the background, controls almost every computer in the world. Click to learn more!

Microsoft 365: What is the Best Way to Purchase Office?

If your looking to buy Office you have two options: buy the latest version out right or purchase a subscription that gives you so much more. Let’s find out which is best for you!

Free Microsoft Office Alternatives

Microsoft Office may be the industry standard when you’re at work but does it make sense to pay $70 a year for a copy at home? Take a look at these free alternatives and see if one works for you!

What is Apple Silicon?: An Elementary Guide to Apple Silicon

Apple has made the BIG decision to leave Intel in the past and move forward with Apple Silicon. This means BIG improvements are coming to new Macs. Now lets answer some questions on what this means for your beloved Mac.

Common Browser Features

All browsers are different. They each come with a different set of exclusive features that make them each different. There are also some features that they have in common and that’s what I will be talking about today.