macOS Mojave: Stacks

Apple released macOS Mojave or macOS 10.14 in September. With it came some great changes and improvements. For this article, I am going to focus on a new way to organize your desktop.

macOS Mojave: Dynamic Desktop

Apple released macOS Mojave or macOS 10.14 in September. With it came some great changes and improvements. For this article, I am going to focus on the new wallpaper options.

2018 iPad Pro Reviews

The new 2018 iPad Pro is here and it will change the way we view tablets forever.

New Apps and Redesigns in macOS Mojave

When Apple released macOS Mojave or macOS 10.14 in September they redesigned and brought many apps from iOS to macOS. Many of these apps use the same design and operate the same as their iOS counterparts.

macOS Mojave: Desktop and Finder

Apple released macOS Mojave or macOS 10.14 last Monday. With it came some great changes and improvements. For this article, I am going to focus on the changes that came to the desktop and Finder.

FaceTime and Messages New Camera Effects and More with iOS 12

iOS 12 is here along with it are special effects with iOS’s cameras including FaceTime and Messages and so many other new things.

Do Not Disturb During Bedtime

Now with iOS 12, we get another Do Not Disturb option, Bedtime which will dim your lock screen, silence and hide notifications, only a single notification will appear explaining reminding you that you have this feature enabled. Click to learn more.

iMessage Screen Effects

An iOS device running iOS 10 and later can send cool bubbles and screen effects. You use these effects to get your message across to other fellow iMessage users. With bubble effects, you can slam down your message or hide it in invisible ink. With screen effects, you can send balloons or fireworks.

iMessage Bubble Effects

An iOS device running iOS 10 and later can send cool bubbles and screen effects. You use these effects to get your message across to other fellow iMessage users. With bubble effects, you can slam down your message or hide it in invisible ink. With screen effects, you can send balloons or fireworks.